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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Empty nest syndrome?

It's Jour J + 1. The dice have been cast, rien ne va plus! We were all ferried by the delightful Madame Ciraux to Hazebrouck where papers were initialed and signed and cheques handed over. The key handing over was somewhat symbolic as Mr Herbeau only had one set with him, the other 5 sets were still hanging in the entrance hall. Thus we all 5 arrived at rue JJ Rousseau but we were the new owners and les Herbeau the guests. Sort of. Madame Herbeau still busied herself collecting up a few last minute things and needlessly wiping surfaces. We promenaded in the garden and identified various plants, visited the chalet at the far end, discovered a washing line and reassured ourselves that the damp in the outhouse was being sorted out. Champagne followed courtesy of the ex-owners whilst the new owners politely waited for de legis to turn into de facto. Finally they left and we closed the front door from the inside for the first time as owners.

Once alone and Max at work I suddenly felt a sadness, a vague depression: the empty house is in limbo, missing its status as a home of some 30 years yet unaware of it future. Every fault seemed more apparent, every noise outside more noticeable. I wondered from room to room and for a while didn't see the potential only the work we need to do. I escaped for a walk around the area but this did not help enormously as the streets were full of clutter waiting for the monthly encombrants when people can leave old furniture and rubbish they would otherwise have to take to the dump, on the pavement.

Nothing like a spot of destruction to put matters right (eh Mr Bush?) and my blues were soon banished by the removal of some of the indoor stone-cladding and the total annihilation of the ghastly thing that used to support their television. Max returned from work and we met the delightful neighbours, whom we will refer to as Madame and Monsieur Voisin as we didn't establish their names. They invited us in to view the house, expressed their pleasure and relief that we are their new neighbours and offered to help in anyway they can. We asked them to put the bins back inside after the binmen.

Much more to come!

PS. We are the "proud" owners of 3 fish in one of the two ponds. Help!!!

1 comment:

Clare said...

Ever the practical Peter - I love that you asked the Voisins to tidy up after themselves!

What an incredibly exciting venture. Don't be downhearted - you'll soon breathe life into the house and it will, again, become a home. Your home.